Weed in France: The Best Guide to Get Weed in Lyon, France

Weed in France: The Best Guide to Get Weed in Lyon, France. With monuments and significant sites in the city center that date back more than 2,000 years, Lyon is a historically significant city. Lyon has a lot to offer, including the Roman Amphitheater des Trois Guales and Traboules, which are covered passages that link buildings. It’s a fantastic place to get marijuana, too. This is a thorough tutorial on how to buy and consume cannabis in Lyon.

Where to Get Cannabis or Weed in Lyon, France

Cannabis is rather simple to find in Lyon, as it is in other large cities. Hash is much more common than actual marijuana, which is difficult to obtain. In general, the best places to buy cannabis will be public and touristic locations like bars, clubs, and parks. In Lyon, 10 to 15 grams of hash cost between $20 and $30. Price and quality might vary depending on who you buy from and who you know.

Cannabis Laws in Lyon, France

The possession, use, manufacture, sale, and purchase of cannabis are all prohibited in France. All of these activities are regarded as criminal offenses, with trafficking and selling subject to the harshest sanctions. Cannabis farmers risk a fine of up to €7.5 million and a maximum term of 30 years in jail. These sanctions are almost the same as those levied against terrorists in France.
The degree of enforcement varies according to the authority of the government. While some are welcoming to guests, others are not. Remember that you might be arrested and put in jail if you are found engaging in any of the aforementioned behaviors.

Weed in France: The Best Guide to Get Weed in Lyon, France.