Weed in Estonia: The Best Guide to Get Weed in Tallinn. Estonia’s largest city and capital is Tallinn. It has one of the most exquisite and well-preserved medieval city cores in all of Europe. Tallinn is a contemporary city with a startup culture despite its historical origins.
Even though marijuana regulations have been much more lenient in recent years, cannabis is still outlawed. With a joint in hand, you should have no problem touring Tallinn after reading our guide on cannabis or marijuana.
Where You Can Get Cannabis or Weed in Tallinn, Estonia
Due to strong laws prohibiting the selling of marijuana, it may be difficult to get cannabis in Tallinn if you don’t know anybody. Dealers occasionally wander Old Town’s streets, but your greatest chance is to visit the parks and look for weed smokers. It’s simple to locate smokers among teens in the summer; just ask them for assistance. Cannabis costs 20 euros a gram in Tallinn, making it an expensive drug.
Cannabis Laws in Tallinn, Estonia
When compared to other European nations, Estonia has a serious drug problem. Even if younger generations do use cannabis, it remains banned because many people view it as a gateway drug. The law is strict, although not as strict as in other neighboring nations. There is a difference between selling or growing marijuana and having a little amount for personal use, the law states.
If you are found in possession of a few grams of marijuana, you will be fined rather than imprisoned.
Although it is only fined, smoking in public or crowded areas is prohibited in Estonia because of the police’s overall unfavorable stance against cannabis. If you are carrying marijuana, stay out of the city center and use it at home or in more rural areas.
Weed in Estonia: The Best Guide to Get Weed in Tallinn.