Cannabis in Frankfurt: The Best Guide to Get Weed in Frankfurt, Germany

Cannabis in Frankfurt: The Best Guide to Get Weed in Frankfurt, Germany. The largest city in central Germany, Frankfurt welcomes millions of tourists annually. Although smoking marijuana while visiting the city is highly encouraged, you should be mindful of local restrictions. It all depends on the police officer, but because the plant is decriminalized, you have a better chance of getting away with a little quantity if you are found in possession of it. Here is a quick guide on cannabis and marijuana in Frankfurt. 

Where to Get Cannabis or Weed in Frankfurt, Germany

If you’re new to the area and haven’t yet established any contacts, exploring the city is a useful way to locate cannabis. Park areas along the streets are fantastic locations to watch because people will frequently be smoking and chatting there. Younger people typically have access to high-quality cannabis or hash, especially those from Middle Eastern origins.

You might want to go to Konstablerwache if you’re having trouble finding a source. However, be advised that cannabis costs are typically higher and that the quality may be subpar, particularly for visitors. Before going to Konstablerwache as a last option to get marijuana, it is usually advised to investigate other locations first.

Cannabis Prices in Frankfurt, Germany

Prices of cannabis in Frankfurt vary depending on where you buy, but they are similar to those in the rest of Germany. One gram of high-quality cannabis costs about eight euros at standard street pricing. Hash is far less costly, with a starting price of about 5 euros per gram. A gram of cheap cannabis at Konstablerwache costs about 12 euros.

Although it is legal to smoke marijuana in Frankfurt, we recommend that you do it in the park instead of in a public setting. Going to the parks is the best approach to find a nice friend. The last location you should search for cannabis is Konstablerwache. Cannabis will most likely be present, but it will be of low grade.

Cannabis in Frankfurt: The Best Guide to Get Weed in Frankfurt, Germany.